Hello there . . .
I'm still here. What can I say? The last several months have been trying, to say the least, and I just haven't had the inclination to write. Sorry for that. This year seems to have it in for me, that's all I can say.
I won't go into the past except to say that things have been very stressful the last few months, and I've had a hard time keeping my chin up. At times like these, I tend to retreat into myself even more than normal, so please forgive me for not being around. Right now being at home and in the quiet is the thing I want most.
I have been doing fiberly things, though. I did finish the Undulating Waves Scarf; unfortunately, it's still sitting around, waiting to be blocked (I really need to buy some blocking wires). I'm very proud of that scarf--it's lace, my first knitting with beads and from a graph. I also knit a couple of cute short scarves with my handspun--one from fiber from Jesse's A Piece of Vermont and the other from some fiber I dyed a few years ago at the OkieFiber Retreat. At some point I'll get some photos up, I promise--I absolutely LOVE them (too bad the weather here lately has been way too warm to wear much in the way of outerwear). I finished a pair of plain vanilla socks and have almost finished a second pair. (I had a week off at Christmas, I got a lot done!)
I'm spinning quite a bit, as well. I'm over halfway finished with all the alpaca I bought from Donna at the Indian Meridian Weavery. My original plan had been to knit a shawl, but my Christmas gift this year was a 24" Kromski rigid heddle loom, so I've now decided to weave it instead. I have a "sort of" goal to get this all finished by the end of the summer and enter it in the State Fair, but we'll see. I'm not very good much with goals any more.
I love the loom--I've woven a few things and, of course, bought a lot of yarn for projects (my stash has not been suffering at all, believe me). In fact, I hope to get another project started today. I've voluntered to help with a rigid heddle loom demo at this year's Rendezvous; that should be fun.
Speaking of Rendezvous, if you're in the area, please join us:
15th Annual Route 66 Rendezvous
Saturday, May 9, 2009
9 am to 4 pm
American Legion Hall, 5th and Littler, Edmond, Oklahoma
Lunch will be potluck, and there are restaurants in the area as well
Saturday, May 9, 2009
9 am to 4 pm
American Legion Hall, 5th and Littler, Edmond, Oklahoma
Lunch will be potluck, and there are restaurants in the area as well
I will be back soon, I promise, with photos to share. Bye!
(PS--Maggie sends greetings as well . . . .)
Glad to see you're back! I'll actually be selling cashmere/merino/nylon sock yarn, merino wool and hopefully unloading my tapestry loom at Rendezvous this year, so baby c and I will definitely see you there!
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