Le Tour de France - Day Nineteen - down but not out
"It was late in Day Nineteen when our competitor was nearly sidelined for the day by a cramp in both her left hand and her left toes while plying the absolutely yummy superwash merino. However, with a short break, she was able to complete the plying round in approximately four hours. The finished product is now resting in a warm lavender bath, and our competitor has collapsed on the couch."
Yeah, four hours--I am so slow! But in four hours we went from this:

to this:

I absolutely love it. I think I've ended up with about 324 yards using about 4.3 ounces of fiber.
Here's a closeup:

Remember how, in an earlier post today, I muttered something about the whole thing falling apart in my hands? Oh yeah, I heard Toby Ziegler in my head saying "You don't want to tempt the wrath of whatever from high atop the thing!" when I wrote that, and I should have gone outside, turned around three times, and spit (sorry, it's one of my favorite West Wing references). It DID fall apart--twice, but I finally got it back together in one piece. There's a couple of bad spots, but on the whole, it's pretty good. And it looks gorgeous!
I definitely understand now how important it is to try and keep your singles consistent when spinning, otherwise you get uneven results. I've gotten better, but I need to concentrate on this more in the future.
I had a little bit left on one bobbin, and I'm just going to put that back on the wheel and start adding to it--but not until tomorrow.
Wonderful yarn! I loved the singles, but the plying is gorgeous. Doesn't it fell good at the end, knowing you made your goal?
Ooh, that IS gorgeous. The colors remind me of watermelon. Good job!
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