Saturday, September 02, 2006

I'm beginning to feel human again.

Saturday, September 2, 830 am CDST:

Isn't this glorious? It's 69 degrees and has been raining off and on since last night. I'm almost delirious with joy. The last few days have been beautiful, with lows in the 60s and highs in the 80s.

It's interesting that every time I walk outside now, I find myself preparing to be hit by a wave of heat. It's a wonderful feeling to have a nice, cool breeze hit you instead.

This break in the heat is also appreciated by my plants--they seem to be bouncing back:

I need to get out and clean up the dead plant stuff, maybe consolidate some plants. It's funny that I noticed coming home yesterday that the plant tent-shop that I pass every day is getting ready to open again for the fall season. It'll be a while yet before I'm ready for pansies, that's for sure.

I have spinning to show, too! This is the first bobbin of the merino/silk I've shown previously:

It's actually a little darker than this, but really nice, and quite shiny with all the silk in it.

I also started some Corriedale pencil roving from Crown Mountain Farms, colorway "Fire."

I was trying to spin this a little thicker for a heavier yarn, but I'm not very happy with it (it's my spinning, not the fiber, believe me). I think I'm going to stop here and play what's on the bobbin and see what it looks like. Then I can decide how to go forward.

Today I plan to spend the day working on the back room and getting things organized. It's the perfect type of day for me to be really productive, so I'm going to open up the window, turn on the radio, and start sorting stuff.

Maggie, of course, has offered to supervise. She's been dragging the blanket from her crate around the dining room all week, looking for the perfect place to sleep (see the black thing behind the back chair leg? That's a shoe--she loves to carry them all over the house):

I'm not sure this is good, either.


At September 05, 2006 3:59 PM, Blogger Missy said...

I have the Pointer Sisters song Fire stuck in my head now...


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