Saturday, November 11, 2006

Saturday Sky - it's a brand new day

Saturday, November 11, around 10 am CST:

The weather here has been bouncing back and forth for the last few days. It was 80 degrees earlier in the week, but on Friday it barely made 60. This morning we were down in the mid-30s. The trees don't know what to do right now.

The craziness of Tuesday's election finally caught up with me last night. I think I was in bed before 830. At my age, I can only take so many late nights and wild emotional swings before I crash full face.

To say I'm stunned by the election results this week is a true understatement. When I went to bed after midnight Wednesday morning, I don't think I truly understood what had happened. It was Thursday before it actually began to sink in as to what a huge deal this was. Never in my wildest dreams would I have thought that the country would have shifted this much. I know there are a lot of politicans walking around licking their wounds this weekend.

And for all of you that voted, thank you. No matter how you voted, the fact that you took the time and made the effort to do so means so very much.

Now, on to other fun stuff! I finished a sock last weekend:

And look--a picot edge!

This was done using Theresa's picot method, and it was very simple, but fair warning: If you whipstitch the edge to the inside of the sock, don't stitch it too tightly--it needs to be loose so you can get the sock on! I had to rip it out and do it over, but now it's just fine. The second sock is progressing nicely, but it was ignored quite a bit this week because of all the election stuff going on.

I'm really loving these sock patterns--I call them "one-line patterns" since there's only one row in the pattern where you do something other than straight knitting. I need to find more--these are about all my old brain can handle these days.

Last weekend I also started spinning some of the fiber I dyed at the OkieFiber retreat. This is BFL dyed with Jacquard dyes:

I'm trying to spin it at sock weight, but I find myself steering off course every so often:

This will be two ply, and since I have 8 ounces, I should get a pretty good amount of yardage.

Have a good weekend, everybody!


At November 13, 2006 3:15 PM, Blogger Missy said...

Ok, what pattern did you use for that sock again? I'm in serious love.

And what a difference in that pear tree in your Saturday sky pics from last week to this week. The leaves have all turned red. Gorgeous!


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