Saturday, November 04, 2006

Saturday Sky

Saturday, November 4, around 1045 CST:

This was taken from my bedroom window. One of the things I love about this area is that just behind my apartment is a really nice neighborhood with unique houses (no cookie cutters here) and lots of beautiful old trees. Their owners take very good care of them, and so it makes for a really lovely area in the fall.

The sky started out gray this morning, but the sun has suddenly come out and it looks to be clearing. I had my heart set on some cloudy, cozy weather today, but it looks like that might not be happening.

I finally got a photo of my cleaned up "garden:"

Not a lot of excitment, but it's fall, ya know? I've been covering the mums with plastic every night this week--we had a couple of near-freezing nights, and I'm hoping they'll last a little while longer (for what I paid for them, they should).

This is my newest addition to the garden:

It's not made well enough to be outside all winter, but for now it'll do.

My nose has been driving me absolutely insane this week between being dry, sore, and runny, not to mention having several nosebleeds. I've seriously considered just cutting it right off my face. Last night I stopped at the drugstore and bought all kinds of stuff to try to get some relief and be able to breathe again. It's helping a little, but I'm still miserable. It's hard to get enthusiastic about anything when you can't breathe, that's for sure.

I'm almost finished with my first Socktober sock--just a few days late! I want to finish that today and cast on the second sock. I also want to start spinning some of the fiber I dyed at the OkieFiber retreat, but I just can't decide which one to pick. I may have to do an "eeny meeny miney moe" to figure it out.

If I don't take a nap first . . . .


At November 06, 2006 11:17 AM, Blogger Missy said...

You are probably loving yesterday's and today's weather then.

The garden looks so pretty. One of these days...


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