Friday, February 17, 2006

Winter's baaaaaaaaack!!!

Less than ten minutes after I got home at 6 pm tonight, the sleet started. Man, I timed it just right! It has been sleeting off and on since then. Just a few minutes ago there was a crawl on the TV that said that there were 20 injury accidents in the city and that all the EMSA ambulances were taking calls. They're asking people to not drive tonight, so of course I now hear my neighbor outside scraping the car to go somewhere. Not me and Maggie--we're indoors for the weekend. I plan to make some baked potato soup and basically play and relax.

I am watching this year's Olympics for the first time tonight--this snowboard cross stuff is so cool!!! I used to love the Olympics, but it's gotten so much about commercialism and money that I'm not too interested anymore. But if I get started watching, I really get into it.


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