This has been one of the craziest weeks on record. I can't tell you how glad I am it's over.
My wheel finally arrived on Tuesday. I had to wait until I got home that night to put her together, but it was well worth the wait:
Isn't she beautimus? She has such a different feel than the Babe--more substantial is the only way I can put it. She spins so easy, it's amazing. I immediately started working on some of my Paradise Fiber stuff, but I was so tired and had so much to do for work the next day that I really didn't get much of a chance to do anything until last night. I'm still trying to get used to a different wheel, and I know it will take a little time, so I've resolved to try and spin a little each day insteading of waiting until the weekends. That and I need to figure out all the things that came with her--a lazy kate, a fast flyer, a plying maiden, flyer, and bobbin--so much stuff! I can't wait for spinning on Monday night!
Wednesday was insane. I spent several hours Tuesday night walking around the dining room talking to my self to prepare for my training sessions on Wednesday. Maggie thought I had lost my mind (and I wasn't far from it, let me tell you). It must have been worth it, because even though I got bumped twice on Wednesday morning, when I finally did get to do my sessions, they went really well. I've had a lot of compliments. I think many people who didn't really know me very well were surpised that I could get up and take command of a room so easily. Little do they know I used to do that all the time (ah, the good old days . . . .). Anyway, the worst thing that happened that day was that I wore a new pair of cute little shoes that proceeded to rub horrible sores on my feet. By the end of the day I could barely walk. Pair sore, aching feet up with 105-degree temps (at least that's what it said on the building next door), and I couldn't wait to get home and crash--which is exactly what I did.
These meetings on Wednesday were a part of our quarterly management meetings, where our facility administrators come "home to the mother ship" as it were to be wined and dined and wranged for a few days. This quarter's featured entertainment was the annual golf tournament on Thursday at a local country club. Between being absolutely exhausted from the day before, not wanting to spend all day out in the heat, Thursday being my birthday, and my firm belief that golf is a tool of Satan, I declined to attend, choosing to stay at the office with the other half-dozen souls who felt they had something better to do. It was a wise decision, except that I ended up having to make a trip to the airport to deliver some legal documents for one of our attorneys, but even that wasn't that bad because there was no one at the office waiting for me to show back up. I had a lovely lunch in our conference room watching Lassie save a fawn caught in a fire, and then I worked on filing until 4 pm, when I hightailed it out of there.
Yes, Thursday was my birthday. It was nothing of note. A coworker gave me a cute little gardeny knick-knack, one boss wished me happy birthday via email, and that was about it. Oh, and my ex-boss called to give me his best wishes. That was nice. So no big thing--I had Maggie, a new spining wheel, and lots of fiber waiting for me at home, what else did I need?
So when everyone appeared back in the office on Friday, they were all tired and grumpy and pissy--wonderful. However, it got immensely better when Missy called me in the afternoon to tell me the Yarn Harlot was coming to OKC in July. What a great birthday present--thanks, Stephanie! We can't wait to meet you.
The weathermen finally got it right, and we had a big 'ol storm roll through here last night--lots of lightening, thunder, wind, and rain. I was too out of it to think about the plants, and this morning this is what I found:
This poor petunia just got hammered. Hopefully it will pick back up in a while.
As for the heat--at 11 am this morning the thermometer on my walkway read:
11 am--
PS--Missy, thanks for the best wishes, but now I want some cake!