Wednesday, May 30, 2007


Tonight I found this:

My first 8-ball zucchini--you should have seen my happy dance.

Further snooping led to this (sorry for the crappy photo--I've suddenly forgotten how to use my macro):

It's a Tom Thumb tomato, and right now it's about as big as a pencil eraser, but who

Do they make birth announcements for vegetables?


Monday, May 28, 2007

The garden, she is complete . . .

. . . or as done as she gonna get for now. A couple of hours this afternoon and I'm done.

And now, the garden tour (please humor me--I promise to try to get back to fiber arts at some point, I swear).

As I'm standing in my front door, to my right:

And to my left:

More photos:

There's a black-eyed Susan vine

that I'm hoping will grow around the railing and especially around Essie, the garden girl:

Here's a second small water garden, not much to look at, but I'm hoping for just one water lily bloom:

More herbs--they are really liking this weather:

The big container in this photo is full of clematis, purple and red morning glories, and white moonflowers.

My poor tomatoes, eggplant, and peppers--they need some sun and heat!

You can see my sunflowers and my 8-ball squash in the foreground of this photo:

And that's it. I have some begonia cuttings I need to pot up, and I want to put all my cacti and succulents out, but it's just too wet to do that right now. But other than that, I done, fini, kaput.

If I could just get Mother Nature to wait until afternoon or evening to water us, I'd be really grateful.

Now I need to clean up all the mess in my apartment--it looks like a garden center exploded all over it. But that will have to wait until tomorrow--right now, I'm hitting the showers.

Happy summer, everyone!


An Update

You can thank Cassa for prodding me into posting. I'm sorry it's taken so long. I've been reading blogs but just not writing anything.

The weather here is now the same as it was two weeks ago--overcast and rainy. Yesterday we had a downpour that I swear sounded like someone was turning a faucet all the way up, then almost off, then back UP, then down again. In 15 minutes it was over, but we had been drenched. It seems like it's been this way forever.

We were luck that Rendezvous Saturday was a pretty day--sunny, with no rain and a slight breeze. Missy and I (and the kids) had a wonderful time. Yes, I did do some damage to my wallet, but I hadn't bought anything fibery since before New Year's, so I didn't think that was bad. I don't have pictures right now, but I can tell you I bought my first set of wool handcarders, as well as some handdyed bamboo silk and some gorgeous handdyed mohair locks (very, very hot, bright colors--I love to play with them). I need to finish up the plying that I was doing before Rendezvous (two weeks ago)so I can sit down and spin some of it up.

I'll get some photos up later, but I just wanted to check in.

Friday, May 11, 2007

Rendezvous tomorrow!

Please, Mother Nature, stop the rain--until Saturday night at least!

I'm all packed up and ready to go! The only thing I can't decide on is what shoes to wear. It's bound to be muddy, so I think I'll go with an old pair of sneakers that I've barely worn--if they get dirty, I have no problem in throwing them away.

It was great having today off. The day didn't start off too well--I paid almost $43 for a tank of gas (and that's at $2.979 a gallon), but I had lunch with Missy, and that made it all better. I went downtown to the Farmers Market and bought a bunch of plants and also stopped by another place and bought more (it's a sickness, really it is). Unfortunately I had a whopper of a headache by the time I went to get my haircut at 3, but my stylist gave me a wonderful scalp and neck massage and I felt much better when I left.

By the time I walked out of the salon, it was getting really cloudy and dark off to the east. Since I was just across the street from the grocery store, I decided to stop off there before heading home--just one less thing to do on Saturday. I was almost finished shopping when the skies opened up and absolutely poured. By the time I checked out and went outside, there was water everywhere, and I ended up getting absolutely soaked to the bone. I'm not sure how much it rained, but in the twenty or so minutes it rained, the streets were flooded--AGAIN.

As much as I love the rain, I'm ready for it to stop.

Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Someone please tell Mother Nature to take a hike

It's Tuesday night, and we're headed for the third consecutive night of stormy weather. We had 1.31 inches of rain yesterday and 3.13 inches today--almost 5 inches in 24 hours--AGAIN. Sunday night there were storms all around OKC, but none here--they waited to hit until 230 am Monday morning. Then we had another downpour about 730 this morning on the way to work.

To say things are flooded around town is an understatement. I honestly think if somone spit in Lake Hefner, it would flood out. I think the news tonight said there were 19 streets around town that were closed because of flooding, and people were STILL driving into high water. How stupid can you be?

This weather reminds me of ten or twenty years ago when we would go for weeks having huge storms every night. I'm getting tired of seeing nothing but continuous weather reports on TV all night long.

There are tornados in the southern part of the state right now. I guess I need to pay some attention to see what's happening here--it's getting kinda dark outside.

Somebody send an ark . . . .


Saturday, May 05, 2007

I can never get a break . . . .

Today was supposed to be pretty windy, but better than tomorrow--we have an 80% chance of storms on Sunday, so I thought I could get a lot of gardening done today. I still haven't planted my tomatoes and peppers, and they're way past due.

Unfortunately, I woke up this morning with my back all out of wack, which has resulting in me popping pills all day and spending a couple of hours in bed. So no gardening for me today--maybe I'll get lucky and be able to get a few things done tomororow.

It looks like I fixed the blog problem. I don't know what caused the doubling, but deleting the template and reinstalling it did the trick. This why I save every update I make--you never know when you'll need it.

Next Saturday is the Route 66 Fiber Rendezvous at Fort Braxton in Arcadia. Last year was great--I can't wait to see everybody again. Missy is going with me this year--last May she had just had Baby Mo two weeks before and was, well, indisposed. While I haven't bought anything fibery in months, and I haven't had a lot of interest in spinning or knitting lately, I'm hoping this will get me motivated again. It makes my hands itch just thinking about it. So far the weather looks good for next weekend, so we're keeping our fingers crossed.

In fact, I think I may go sit down and spin for a bit, while I keep an eye on the weather.


Friday, May 04, 2007

I apologize, but my blog has suddenly sprouted a twin

at the bottom of the page.

I hope to fix this over the weekend.