Sunday, August 06, 2006

Sunday morning update

First bobbin of "Muppet guts" - finished:

Double plying the last half of the superwash merino "It Takes Two, Baby" from Crown Mountain Farms - finished:

This second skein came out a little smaller and darker than the first (first skein on the right and second on the left):

The first part of the fiber had more undyed spots than the last, but I think they're both equally pretty. The second skein was plyed a little more tightly than the first and came out at about 220 yards, with a total from 8 ounces of fiber resulting in about 544 yards. Whoo-hoo!

And, finally, my first attempt at beading since I was a kid:

Not bad for making up the pattern as I go along. The worst part is that I'm so blind anymore that I have a hard time seeing what I'm doing. I'm doing at least half of it by feel, so it slows me down a bit.

I hope to finish the second half of "Muppet guts" today, and I also want to start the "socks on a circ" thing. This means I have to choose a sock yarn and then wind it into two skeins.

How will I ever decide which yarn to use?


At August 06, 2006 8:47 PM, Blogger katie said...

Lovin' the muppet guts! The colors look great together.

At August 06, 2006 10:13 PM, Blogger Procrastiknitter said...

Wow, I've never seen Muppet guts looking so awesome! You need to patten that name for yarn! LOL


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