here at Casa Katya. it's been hot, hot, hot this week, and everyone's too exhausted to do much of anything except sit under the AC. However, I will not complain (so much) since we are nowhere near as hot as Arizona and many other places.
The garden is still hanging in there, but I've lost a few plants to the heat. It's weird--I leave in the morning and everything looks fine, but then I come home at night and there's a dead plant. Oh well, at least they don't suffer (ha).
My Alice duPont mandevilla, however, is absolutely thriving:
One of my neighbors moved out last weekend. He was obviously a techie, because he threw tons of computer stuff away. Of course, this was very tempting to me, because who can pass up something for free? A little dumpster diving resulted in a practically brand-new HP computer keyboard and several cables which I'm sure I can use. All I had to do was download a driver, and I've got myself a new keyboard--sweet!
My Roady2 XM satellite radio arrived Thursday aftenoon. How cool is this? It took less than 15 minutes to set it up, and I was able to listen to it on the way home from work. I can't wait to get the home kit, but I have to wait until payday--bummer. A nice bonus to your XM subscription is that you can stream most of the channels over your computer at no extra charge. So I think it was a good deal all around.
If you'll notice down on the lower right side, there is a "gratituous plug" link to
Adagio Teas. If you put a link on your blog or website and submit it to them, they'll send you a gift determined by your viewer stats. Since I know my stats are really low (oh, well), I qualified for a one-ounce sample of tea. I figured it would be one little tin--boy, was I wrong! Yesterday I received my gift, and it was a sampler of FOUR tins of wonderful green teas, some undyed tea filters, and a handwritten thank-you note!!! I think that sampler retails for $11, so it was a VERY nice gift. The teas are genmai cha pop (has rice and popcorn in it, sweet and nutty), hojicha fugue (a low-caffeine tea with a nutty, mesquite taste), green pekoe blues (smells wonderful), and citron green (has lemon and lime in it and smells very perfume-y).
One warning, however: I decided to try some of the citron green tea right before bedtime. It was really good, but obviously I forgot that green tea contains caffeine, because one cup sent me
flying. It was almost two hours before I was able to go to sleep. So I highly recommend the green tea if you need a boost at some point in the day, but not before bedtime.
Thanks, Adagio Teas--you've got a new fan!
Maggie and I plan on staying cool this weekend, and I hope to tackle some knitting since I was too lazy to get to the library yesterday after work. A nap would be good, too . . . .
Saturday Morning Garden Blogging, Vol. XXII