I get a gold star for going to work in this:

Now that I'm home (finally), I think I'll take a nap.
Random thoughts from the Heartland
Will Rogers once said, "If you don't like the weather in Oklahoma, just wait a few minutes and it'll change." I think he was talking about the last 24 hours.
Every year, about this time, my neighborhood experiences a phenomenon I call "The Birds," after the Hitchcock movie. Thousands, and I mean thousands, of greckles and other birds invade the shopping areas and circle for hours. Watching them at dusk is really amazing, and the noise--it's unbelievably loud. I got lucky today and was able to catch a couple of minutes of video on my camera:
Oklahoma lost a true progressive hero last week when Keith Smith died of pneumonia. A memorial page has been set up to celebrate his life and accomplishments:
First thing I've learned--there's a damn lot of prep work that goes into dyeing fiber. More than I remember.
Saturday, November 25, a little after 11 am CST:
Well, almost everything's arrived--the bottles, the fiber, the yarn--but I still don't have my dye. I have a feeling that if it doesn't come tonight (via UPS, who usually comes by here at the end of his route around 7 pm), I won't have it until next week. I still have some stuff I can do, but I was looking forward to really getting to experiment with lots of colors. Sigh . . . .
(Sorry, I was channeling the Wicked Witch of the West there for a minute . . . .)
Saturday, November 18, around 10 am CST:
Saturday, November 11, around 10 am CST:
I blame my ex-boss for turning me into a true political junkie. Right now I'm streaming Air America video, I've got several websites up, and I'm listening to the state returns on the TV.
Go read Bliss' latest post at I Hide Yarn.
Saturday, November 4, around 1045 CST:
Not long ago I promised a story about the USPS and their lousy service. This is that story. (The names were NOT changed to protect the innocent, because I don't know any names.)